June 2009
Just about the last video from that holiday. Sound is quite soft on this one. I sold the camera after the holiday. It's nice and all with very good quality but i grew tired of it. It is exactly like a cellphone, only a fraction heavier. I'd rather just get a cellphone with a camera (chances are I won't - love my cellphone - had it for years, it's a nokia - indestructible piece of equipment - model escapes me now ) - because cellphone cameras often have a nice quality. This (http://princessnebraska.files.wordpress.com/2008/10/flip.jpg) felt like participating in I, Robot. Also, there are no contrast settings on the things which means no fun.
In general, it was a lovely lonesome holiday in the highlands. My sister and hubby were at work throughout the day, so that meant I had plenty of time to myself, which was fine with me. They live in a really awesome little town with the most remarkable scenery. They live just a little way out of the town; my only contact with the people was at the local chip shop. A typical day consisted of packing a backpack with provisions and setting off into the mountain paths (and off of them) for the day. I took the little video camera with me but every time I filmed something - it felt silly for some reason - like it was taking away from the experience. Perhaps was projecting some existential angst onto the camera. Regardless, I was having a great time when I wasn't filming anything. It sounds silly. In the end I left feeling incredibly refreshed. I smoked much less than usual (I usually do in England) and my sister took good care of me as always, with her awesome cooking and loving attitude.
The highland summer is just perfect in my opinion. It presents a good mix between mildly warm (just perfect) weather with blue blue skies - and overcast rainy weather (I love walking in the rain like a human condom). I took some rather nice photos with a disposable camera, which were taken when my car was broken into at the end of last year. I still have the negatives somewhere but chances are they're probably ruined from the moving. Which is sad, because I had just started a nice collection of disposable camera Scotland Trip photos. I think they have a nice quality too!
This highlander feels for my missing photos:

I think it's pretty obvious but I'll say it anyway - I used Windows Movie Maker for editing these movies - such a lovely shitty little program. It has all these cool effects but you can't mess about with any of it, it's all one effect - ! It lays it on really thick. Better than nothing, i suppose.
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